6th International Conference on

Information Technology : New Generations

ITNG 2009

April 27-29, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


(Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society)

About the Conference

The International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG) is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security and health care are among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. High Performance Computing, Computing Architectures, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of the related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, the best student award, poster award, service award and a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia.

Track Proposal Deadline Submission Deadline (Extended) Author Notification Advance Registration Camera Ready
- November 28, 2008 December 19, 2008 January 30, 2009 February 20, 2009

The conference offers the following awards:
1. Best Student Paper Award
2. Best Poster Paper Award
3. Service Award

Consideration for Journals
A selected set of papers presented at the ITNG 2009 will be considered for publication in a special issue of an international journal.

Social Activites
Preconference Reception (Track Chairs to meet authors), Evening, April 26, 2009
Conference Dinner Reception, Evening, April 28, 2009

Previous Conferences
ITNG 2008
ITNG 2007
ITNG 2006

Neither the ITNG 2009 conference organizers nor its sponsors accept any responsibility, whatsoever, for injury or damage or loss or ill-health or inconvenience, etc., to persons or any kind of property during the conference and/or during any kind of activity related to or associated with the ITNG 2009 conference.


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« September 2013 »

General Chair

Shahram Latifi, Professor




Program Committee

Azita Bahrami, USA

Buket Barkana, USA

Wei-Lung Chang, Taiwan

Emilia Colonese, Brazil

Sergiu Dascalu, USA

Narayan Debnath, USA

Walter Dosch, Germany

Philippe Dugerdil, Switzerland

Jose Parente De Oliveira, Brazil

Mohammad Eyadat, USA

Wenying Feng, Canada

Moses Garuba, USA

Dion Goh, Singapore

Samir Hamade, Kuwait

Wahab Hamou-Lhadj, Canada

Ray Hashemi, USA

Min He, USA

Anura Jayasumana, USA

Il-Woo Lee, Korea

Mary Ann Malloy, USA

Jagadeesh Nandigam, USA

Jesus Ubaldo Quevedo, USA

Yenumula Reddy, USA

Mostafa Sami, Egypt

Inci Saricicek, Turkey

Elhadi Shakshuki, Canada

Amanda Spink, Australia

Isak Taksa, USA

Jarrod Trevathan, Australia

Shantaram Vasikarla, USA

Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias, Brazil

Nicki Washington, USA

Kurschl Werner, Austria

Xiaolong Wu, USA

Mei Yang, USA

Allen Zhang, USA

Jun Zheng, USA

Publicity Committee

Amy Neustein, USA


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